Infants up to 6 months:
This category has the most sensitive skin. It is imperative to protect your baby from direct sun exposure, keeping him protected with an umbrella, light-colored hat and special clothes with SPF index.
It is emphasized that in no case the baby should come in contact with the sun from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. The daily Vitamin D intake is achieved by brief exposure of part of the body as well as by taking a corresponding supplement in exclusively breastfed infants.
There is also a report to the FDA to avoid sunscreen for the first six months as the baby's thermoregulatory system has not yet been fully regulated (drop in body temperature through sweat).
In any case, keep your baby adequately hydrated and if you choose to use sunscreen apply a small amount of brand name with EXCLUSIVE biological filters.
Infants from 6 months to 1 year:
This category allows us to now safely use baby sunscreen EXCLUSIVELY with biological filters. The restriction applies to avoid sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Children older than 1 year:
At this age sunscreen options now vary. There are companies that separate the ages 1-3 and 3+ while others distribute sunscreens for children older than one year. A key feature is that they now make their appearance chemical filters, when we see products with an index of 50 SPF.
In general, the basic instructions for our stay in the sun apply:
- Regular hydration of the baby or child.
- Stay in a shady place from 10:00 to 16:00.
- Use of children's clothes with SPF index.
- In case of sunburn, immediately remove from direct exposure and care for the areas.